
The top 10 highest-paying remote IT jobs in 2022

  Over the past year, the increasing demand for employees wanting to work from home has risen, with 30% of the UK workforce working remotely at least once a week. The term ‘remote jobs’ is now searched for over 27,000...

5 Tips on how to tackle loneliness in a remote IT job

  Remote IT jobs certainly have their advantages and disadvantages, with some of the most common disadvantages being feeling isolated and lonely which in turn can lead to decreased mental wellbeing, lack of...

10 tips for better work-life balance in remote IT jobs

      When working from home, the boundaries between work life and personal life can become blurred, often causing burnout. There can be a lot of things at home that might cause distractions leading...

5 benefits of remote IT jobs in 2022

  Following government guidance in 2020, 60% of people moved to remote working during the first lockdown, many of which are likely to have continued to do so. Since then, 57% of British workers want to have the option...

Could COVID-19 lead to more remote working?

Due to COVID-19, the whole world came to a halt, confining the general population to their homes. This forced businesses to have their teams work on a remote basis. Remote working has been around for a while now, however, it was...